Pearl River Valley | Mississippi
(601) 736 - 9564

Community Service Block Grants

The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) provides funds through the Mississippi Department of Human Services Division of Community Services to alleviate the causes and conditions of poverty in communities.  CSBG funding supports projects that:

  • Lessen poverty in communities.
  • Address the needs of low-income individuals including the homeless and elderly.
  • Provide services and activities addressing employment, education, housing, nutrition and health services.

The Division of Community Services distributes CSBG funds to local Community Action Agencies and Human Resource Agencies to address the needs of low-income families by:

  • Increased self-sufficiency.
  • Improved living conditions.

Who is eligible for CSBG?

In order to receive a Community Services Block Grant, individuals must be within 125 percent of the current Federal Poverty Guidelines. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age or an emancipated minor.

How do I apply for CSBG?

Individuals who have never received services may apply through the Virtual ROMA website at This site is available nationwide but services and funds are for residents of Mississippi only.

CSBG Services

Additional CSBG services provided by PRVO, Inc.:

Prescription Assistance Services is coordinated with healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies to assist individuals with obtaining medication at low-to-no-cost. Assistance is based upon pharmaceutical company’s program eligibility.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) is an initiative designed to promote and support free tax preparation services for underserved, in both urban and non-urban locations. Services are targeted to low-to-moderate income individuals, persons with disabilities, the elderly and limited English speaking individuals.

Obtained Employment
Completed Education Classes
Received Emergency Food
Received Housing Assistance
Received Health Goods / Services

Intake Process

The initial step is obtaining specific data on an individual in order to complete the application.


Clients must meet poverty income guidelines in order to receive needed services.


During the assessment a clearer picture of the family’s/individual’s problems and goals are identified. A comprehensive assessment and a thorough goal-setting process set the stage for development of a service plan, which leads to self-sufficiency and/or family/individual stability.

Individual Service Plan (ISP)

A well-formulated ISP must be developed by both the family/individual and the case worker in order to set goals and objectives, as well as develop a systematic process of meeting them according to the needs of the family/individual. The ISP identifies the specific obstacles and solves problems which block the family/individual from achieving self-sufficiency and/or stability.


The case manager refers clients who are in need of services not directly provided by PRVO to the agencies providing services. PRVO has established linkages, and clients are referred to agencies providing employment, health services, education, emergency services, housing, child care, and transportation.



Case managers contact clients to determine if services requested were received and are still needed based on the client’s needs and progress.

Re-assessment / Re-evaluation

A reevaluation of the case plan is completed at least every six months to monitor the clients’ conditions. The re-assessment process is necessary to determine if the case management services being rendered need to be modified, replaced, or terminated.